Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stake Your Claim - Cell Phones During Lunch

When it comes to cell phones, yes, there should be some rational restrictions for their usage in school, but during the student's time, such as during their lunch period, the usage of a cell phone should be allowed. Lunch period, essentially, is a student's only break during the day, and it gives them a chance to unwind and get "re-charged" to finish out the rest of the school day. Lunch is a time for personal enjoyment. Because lunch is indeed the time of the student and not of the teacher, no harm is being done. There is no distraction from learning during lunch, and there would not be any disrespect shown to a teacher because it is not during their time. Considering the day of any high school student, being allowed a small amenity such as this would make a world of difference.

Some may disagree with this, stating that the allowance of cell phones during lunch would lead to problems, but the positive sides need to be looked at as well. This may give many students the opportunity to catch up with family members, or sort out agendas for the rest of their day: making calls to work, transportation arrangements, etc. Overall, it would create much more peace of mind for students: they would not have to be burdened with the worry of contacting a parent of they needed them. A student would always be able to count on the fact that they would be given an opportunity to do so during the school day.

Cell phones can also be used as a practical learning resource as well. Students can carry out extensive scheduling and agenda making on their phone calendars, and create automatic reminders for certain assignments or school related events. Students can also access the Internet for assignment and project resources as well, and also make use of the ever so popular calculator.

If students are given this privilege during the school day, it is highly unlikely that they would abuse it because they would be aware of the fact that the usage of their cell phone would be very beneficial to them, and they would not want to risk losing it.

Small changes such a this can make our long school days all the more enjoyable when times of stress come around. This will promote overall morale of students, and therefore increase their productivity and eagerness. Without a privilege such as this, students may be able to view their school day differently, and therefore see it as more of a positive experience when things get stressful.