Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This I Believe

Simple days are something to be treasured, cherished, and held on to forever. Simplicities and the things that are not trivial in life are often put on the backburner of an individual’s mind, forgotten, and more often than not, lost. To me, it is truly a shame that so many people get caught up in the whirlwind which we call our lives, and forget the things that truly make us happy: family, love, friends, adventure. Not the things we deem important such as money, material goods, and social popularity.

Why can’t someone please take the initiative to change it all? Why can’t someone make all the hurt, pain, and negativity go away? Someone needs to make change, but before real change can be made, someone needs to change the way we go about making change, and this I believe. We need to stop making change just to be seen or heard or just to be given credit. Giving needs to come from the heart and every fiber of one’s soul, it cannot be commercialized or manufactured. We need to teach others that giving is good for the soul, not just the college application. Paying it forward truly does work.

I know that there are plenty of kids in school that do community service just for the requirement and never really get anything out of it. For myself, I like to serve others in all spectrums because it is an integral part of who I am. Giving to others makes me whole, and that is how it should be for others, but in truth, service cannot be forced. Imagine a world in which individuals put others before themselves. As impossible as this may seem to attain, it could truly make a world of difference. Helping one life could truly be helping the world.

Now let me tell you a little bit about service above self. It means as exactly as it says: putting others before yourself. This is actually the motto of a local rotary club. This, I know, is something that doesn’t seem to exactly fit into what I am talking about right now, but things do not always fall into place as we plan them to be. With spontaneity comes the greatest acts of kindness. Things that develop on their own and are unleashed subconsciously are the acts of kindness in which sustain longevity in the hears of all.

Pay it forward, and look out for your fellow man.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"My Modest Proposal"

It is truly a tragedy to become subject to what is often the result of the existence of firearms within our society. Crimes: robbery, murder, theft, are often an element in the usage of firearms. Guns kill people, people most certainly do not kill other people. Of course, people who commit crimes should not be allowed to own a firearm, but, truthfully, hunters and recreation shooters shouldn’t be able to either. If violent people are not allowed to keep arms, then everyday men shouldn’t be allowed to either. They have just as much potential as anyone else to snap. Firearms and their availability are truly a hazard to society, in all aspects. Firearms do not only bring physical danger, but mental ones as well. There is always much political turmoil and dispute with firearms, and that is why firearms and other kinds of dangerous weaponry will be eliminated under my proposal.
I make a modest proposal, that all firearms are to be eliminated from all parameters of our society. Instead, the following is to be instilled for our people: in the case of criminals, no, we will not completely take away their weaponry, but bring them together that is. Rather than restricting the activity of criminals, we will encourage the usage of firearms, however, this encouragement will only be administered with two armed criminals in padded room. Who is to say that we cannot eliminate crime? As for hunters and recreational shooters, their firearms will indeed be confiscated in a peaceful manner, and they will be given a large fishing net; effective and safe. The only alteration that would need to be made to their lifestyle is possibly training in to increase personal speed. Now, it is understandable that there would probably be concern about these newly instilled methods, but the benefits most certainly outweigh what is bad about the changes. There will no longer be any possibility for death or destruction by way of flying bullets.
Lack of firearms will also greatly benefit society in many other ways besides ridding danger. An abundance of paper will be saved because there will be less legal documents that would need to be drawn up for the ownership, transportation, and purchase of a firearm. Pollution will be lessened because there would be less factories running, producing smog, then would have been running if firearm were being produced. This modest proposal will be having a positive impact on the environment as well.
There is no need to worry as to what the military will be using, as all wars will be eliminate with the passage of this modest proposal. If the military needs to stay in their area of conduct, then they will be readily supplied with water guns; not destructive but it still gets the point across. It would be completely illogical and irrational to think that possibly guns could exist in society without the application of probable laws. Laws are more often than not, broken, and that is why the temptation should become eliminated altogether.
Elimination of firearms is only for the best because it will solve all of the firearm’s potential problems and dangers. This is a revolutionary idea that is absolutely sure to be positive and interesting for all.
*Dislcaimer *I'm not very skilled in deerhunting with a fishing net :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, It's a Brave New World!

Both Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984 are worlds that are frightfully realistic, in that they both are something that can come true in today's society. Within their similarities, there are also plenty of other differences, in that 1984 is based on fear, hate, and turmoil, while Brave New World is based on bliss, utopia, and eternal happiness. All of these elements, both negative and positive, are things that are existent in today's society, but things such as obtaining happiness is what is most prominent in today's society. Despite the fact that both of these dystopias can happen in today's society, Postman's assertion of our society becoming closest to that of Brave New World, is entirely correct.

Today, we live in a trivial, material based society that sometime fails to acknowledge what is important in our everyday lives, such as family, friends, and favorite hobbies. Despite the currently failing economy, the mission of the American people still remains as follows: to obtain the American dream, to be rich and successful, and to have all that any individual could ever ask for. We base our happiness on what we have in life, and we base our measure of failure on what we don't have, or what we can't have. We as a society, wish to achieve universal happiness so that we all may live peacefully. In Brave New World, their society was based on the happiness of all, personal satisfaction, and the fun and enjoyment that they could have in their everyday lives. They did not want to be exposed to fear, hate, pain or true emotion: "In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure"(Postman). Our society, as well as Huxley's created society, are based on trivial things: "Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture[...]"(Postman). Believe it or not, Huxley's fears are closer than ever to becoming a reality. Our society rarely takes time to take a moment and to look at what is most important in our everyday lives.

In both of these societies, (BNW and today), some citizens created dependencies on certain items and substances in order to remain happy and to function in a way in which an individual finds suitable. Soma would be the equivalent to "happy pills" our society. Both of these substances are relied upon in order to change an individual's mood and habits. Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, etc. are all substances in which inflict change upon an individual. The main reason why many people turn to the substances is because they feel that they cannot handle the pressures of everyday life on their own, therefore, they turn to these substances. Much like soma, which was used in times of unhappiness.

Overall, the most pressing issue that links these two worlds is scientific advancement. In Huxley's world, human beings are created in bottles, and their destiny is pre-determined. Our world is quickly encroaching upon the same borders. Our scientists are experimenting with genes, in order to change the outcome of some children, born both naturally, and intravenously. We are essentially becoming a society that is one within the same. We are discovering advancements everyday that have the potential to change our morals, belief, and the genetic makeup of our entire society. These things are not science fiction, they are real-life stepping stones that our country is quickly stepping on.

We are becoming a society that lives for what it can receive, neglects important elements of everyday life for personal gain, and eliminates difficulties in order to avoid pain and hardship. We are becoming Huxley's world, disconnected from the "nitty-gritty" of human life, forever evolving into a society of change from previous generations. If we, as a society, continue on a path of not taking the time of actually living life, and working the hardest that we can in order to obtain society, we will surely become corrupt with a misleading, inaccurate lifestyle.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stake Your Claim - Cell Phones During Lunch

When it comes to cell phones, yes, there should be some rational restrictions for their usage in school, but during the student's time, such as during their lunch period, the usage of a cell phone should be allowed. Lunch period, essentially, is a student's only break during the day, and it gives them a chance to unwind and get "re-charged" to finish out the rest of the school day. Lunch is a time for personal enjoyment. Because lunch is indeed the time of the student and not of the teacher, no harm is being done. There is no distraction from learning during lunch, and there would not be any disrespect shown to a teacher because it is not during their time. Considering the day of any high school student, being allowed a small amenity such as this would make a world of difference.

Some may disagree with this, stating that the allowance of cell phones during lunch would lead to problems, but the positive sides need to be looked at as well. This may give many students the opportunity to catch up with family members, or sort out agendas for the rest of their day: making calls to work, transportation arrangements, etc. Overall, it would create much more peace of mind for students: they would not have to be burdened with the worry of contacting a parent of they needed them. A student would always be able to count on the fact that they would be given an opportunity to do so during the school day.

Cell phones can also be used as a practical learning resource as well. Students can carry out extensive scheduling and agenda making on their phone calendars, and create automatic reminders for certain assignments or school related events. Students can also access the Internet for assignment and project resources as well, and also make use of the ever so popular calculator.

If students are given this privilege during the school day, it is highly unlikely that they would abuse it because they would be aware of the fact that the usage of their cell phone would be very beneficial to them, and they would not want to risk losing it.

Small changes such a this can make our long school days all the more enjoyable when times of stress come around. This will promote overall morale of students, and therefore increase their productivity and eagerness. Without a privilege such as this, students may be able to view their school day differently, and therefore see it as more of a positive experience when things get stressful.