Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This I Believe

Simple days are something to be treasured, cherished, and held on to forever. Simplicities and the things that are not trivial in life are often put on the backburner of an individual’s mind, forgotten, and more often than not, lost. To me, it is truly a shame that so many people get caught up in the whirlwind which we call our lives, and forget the things that truly make us happy: family, love, friends, adventure. Not the things we deem important such as money, material goods, and social popularity.

Why can’t someone please take the initiative to change it all? Why can’t someone make all the hurt, pain, and negativity go away? Someone needs to make change, but before real change can be made, someone needs to change the way we go about making change, and this I believe. We need to stop making change just to be seen or heard or just to be given credit. Giving needs to come from the heart and every fiber of one’s soul, it cannot be commercialized or manufactured. We need to teach others that giving is good for the soul, not just the college application. Paying it forward truly does work.

I know that there are plenty of kids in school that do community service just for the requirement and never really get anything out of it. For myself, I like to serve others in all spectrums because it is an integral part of who I am. Giving to others makes me whole, and that is how it should be for others, but in truth, service cannot be forced. Imagine a world in which individuals put others before themselves. As impossible as this may seem to attain, it could truly make a world of difference. Helping one life could truly be helping the world.

Now let me tell you a little bit about service above self. It means as exactly as it says: putting others before yourself. This is actually the motto of a local rotary club. This, I know, is something that doesn’t seem to exactly fit into what I am talking about right now, but things do not always fall into place as we plan them to be. With spontaneity comes the greatest acts of kindness. Things that develop on their own and are unleashed subconsciously are the acts of kindness in which sustain longevity in the hears of all.

Pay it forward, and look out for your fellow man.